Rabu, 28 Agustus 2024

Goes to September

 This month I am writing a new chapter

"Pernah ngerasain lamaran kerja ditolak setelah interview? Jangan khawatir! Aku bantu cek CV-mu secara GRATIS. 

Dapatkan CV berkualitas dengan harga terjangkau dan pelayanan terbaik. Yuk, DM aku sekarang dan lihat perbedaannya! ✨

atau order sekarang :  shopee.co.id/bytsh

#cekcvgratis #jasabikincv #carikerja #kerja #lamarkerka #lolos #interview

#lolosinterview #carikerja"

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2024

Let's do it

✨ Do more of what makes you happy every day with new energy and passionate


Caranya tuliskan 100 hal yang paling ingin kamu lakukan secara bertahap

Ingat dan tulis ide-ide gilamu

Perlahan -lahan lakukan satu-satu


Mau dibantu cekkan CVmu? Free
Test DM aku ya ✨
📇Order jasa cek CV berbayar lebih worth it,, dapat Hardcopy + softfile dan kejutan spesial by TSH✨✨
📇Order bikin CV berbayar jg worth it, pembuatan dari Nol dan dsesuaiin sama lowongan yg km mau apply + hardcopy + softfile dan kejutan spesial by TSH✨✨
Yuk segera order : shopee.co.id/bytsh

Minggu, 18 Agustus 2024



1 Hal yang aku Syukuri hari ini

3 orang yang PALING BERARTI dalam hidupku

1 Hal yang bikin aku TERSENYUM kemarin

1 Hal yang aku SUKAI dari diriku

1 Hal yang mau aku SELESAIKAN hari ini

cr: rahasiagadis


Kamis, 15 Agustus 2024

mau Go International?

 Ingin melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan multinasional? Kami bantu wujudkan impian Anda! Jasa terjemahan CV Bahasa Indonesia ke Inggris yang cepat dan terpercaya. Kami akan memastikan CV Anda terlihat profesional dan menarik bagi perekrut asing.

#jasaterjemahan #CV #bahasainggris #terjemahanCV #karirinternasional #CVprofessional


Rabu, 14 Agustus 2024

CEK CV mu uda rapi dan layak ?

 Butuh bantuan bikin CV yang bikin recruiter langsung jatuh cinta?

HRD dengan pengalaman 4+ tahun di digital agency, siap bantu Anda! Kirim CV Anda ke productionbytsh@gmail.com dan dapatkan feedback yang bikin CV Anda makin kece! ✨ #reviewcv #jobseeker #karir #hrd" Dapatkan tips dan trik untuk membuat CV yang menonjol dan dapatkan panggilan interview lebih banyak. Apa yang Anda dapatkan: Analisis mendalam terhadap CV Anda Rekomendasi perbaikan format dan isi Tips pemilihan kata yang tepat Contoh CV yang baik Cara memesan: Lakukan pembayaran Kirim CV Anda via email Tunggu feedback dari saya dalam waktu 3x24jam Mari wujudkan karir impian Anda bersama-sama!"


Selasa, 13 Agustus 2024

Stop, Start, Continue


Of course, let's dive deeper into the concept of "stop, start, and continue" to achieve goals through evaluation and behavior change.

**Understanding the Concept**

* **Stop:** This means stopping a habit or behavior that does not support achieving your goals. These can be bad habits, negative thought patterns, or activities that take up time and energy without producing significant results.

* **Start:** After quitting things that don't serve you, it's time to start new habits that better support your goals. This could be a new activity, a positive mindset, or a new strategy for overcoming challenges.

* **Continuing:** After starting a new habit, you need to commit to continuing the habit consistently. This requires discipline and strong motivation.

* **Evaluation:** The evaluation process is critical to measuring your progress and identifying areas for improvement. Through evaluation, you can find out whether the behavioral changes you have made have brought the desired results or not.

*Achieving Goals through Evaluation and Behavior Change**

1. **Identify Goals:** Determine clear and specific goals. Clear goals will provide clear direction in changing your behavior.

2. **Current Behavior Analysis:** Identify habits and thought patterns that are preventing you from achieving your goals.

3. **Make an Action Plan:** Make a detailed plan about the behavior changes you will make. Plan small steps that you can take every day.

4. **Start Change:** Start implementing behavior changes gradually. Don't try to change everything at once.

5. **Evaluate Regularly:** Conduct regular evaluations to measure your progress. Pay attention to whether the changes you make have brought the desired results or not.

6. **Adjust the Plan:** If there are things that need improvement, adjust your action plan. Don't be afraid to make changes if necessary.


For example, your goal is to lose weight. You can:

* **Stop:** Stop consuming fast food and sugary drinks.

* **Start:** Start exercising regularly and eating healthy foods.

* **Continuing:** Continue exercising and maintaining a healthy diet despite the temptation to return to old habits.

* **Evaluation:** Weigh yourself regularly and measure your waist circumference to see progress. If you don't lose weight, you can try a different type of exercise or change your diet.

*Achieving Goals through Evaluation and Behavior Change**

1. **Identify Goals:** Determine clear and specific goals. Clear goals will provide clear direction in changing your behavior.

2. **Current Behavior Analysis:** Identify habits and thought patterns that are preventing you from achieving your goals.

3. **Make an Action Plan:** Make a detailed plan about the behavior changes you will make. Plan small steps that you can take every day.

4. **Start Change:** Start implementing behavior changes gradually. Don't try to change everything at once.

5. **Evaluate Regularly:** Conduct regular evaluations to measure your progress. Pay attention to whether the changes you make have brought the desired results or not.

6. **Adjust the Plan:** If there are things that need improvement, adjust your action plan. Don't be afraid to make changes if necessary.


For example, your goal is to lose weight. You can:

* **Stop:** Stop consuming fast food and sugary drinks.

* **Start:** Start exercising regularly and eating healthy foods.

* **Continuing:** Continue exercising and maintaining a healthy diet despite the temptation to return to old habits.

**The Importance of Evaluation**

Evaluation is very important because:

* **Provide Feedback:** Evaluation provides information about how far you have achieved your goals.

* **Identifying Problems:** Evaluation helps identify obstacles that are hindering your progress.

* **Motivating:** Evaluations can increase your motivation when you see the progress you are making.

* **Making Adjustments:** Evaluations allow you to make adjustments to your plan if necessary.

**Additional Tips**

* **Start with Small Goals:** Start with small, realistic goals.

* **Seek Support:** Seek support from those closest to you.

* **Celebrate Success:** Celebrate every small success you achieve.

* **Don't Give Up:** Change takes time and effort. Don't give up if you experience difficulties.


By applying the “stop, start, and continue” concept and conducting regular evaluations, you can achieve your goals. Remember that behavior change is a process that requires patience and consistency.

**Would you like to discuss this topic further? For example, we can discuss how to overcome obstacles to changing behavior or strategies to increase motivation.**

**Keywords:** evaluation, behavior change, achieving goals, stopping, starting, continuing

Hopefully this explanation is useful!

soure menata rumah, menata hati- Sandra Felton

Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2024

penting nya isi CV mu

Kesalahan umum saat bikin cv : 1. Terlalu panjang 2. Terlalu banyak info yg tdk relevan dgn posisi yg dilamar 3. Banyak typo 4. Format berantakan 5. Tidak menyesuaikan dgn Perusahaan yg dilamarMana yg paling sering kecolongan?

Butuh bantuan bikin CV yang bikin recruiter langsung jatuh cinta? HRD dengan pengalaman 4+ tahun di digital agency, siap bantu Anda! Kirim CV Anda ke productionbytsh@gmail.com dan dapatkan feedback yang bikin CV Anda makin kece! ✨ #reviewcv #jobseeker #karir #hrd" Dapatkan tips dan trik untuk membuat CV yang menonjol dan dapatkan panggilan interview lebih banyak. Apa yang Anda dapatkan: Analisis mendalam terhadap CV Anda Rekomendasi perbaikan format dan isi Tips pemilihan kata yang tepat Contoh CV yang baik Cara memesan: Lakukan pembayaran pada https://shopee.co.id/BYTSH Kirim CV Anda ke productionbytsh@gmail.com Tunggu feedback dari saya dalam waktu 3x24jam 

Mari wujudkan karir impian Anda bersama-sama!"

Jumat, 09 Agustus 2024

Life at 30


Thirty and Thriving: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Thirty. It's a milestone, a turning point. At this age, the world starts to feel a little different. There's a deeper understanding of ourselves, a bittersweet mix of knowing our strengths and flaws. We might even catch ourselves slipping into moments of egotism, only to be jolted back by a wave of introspection.

It's a beautiful mess, this journey of self-discovery. But here's the thing: you're not alone. You have a foundation of love and support that rivals any skyscraper. Your healthy parents, kind mom, strong sister - they're your cheerleaders, your anchors. And above all, you have your faith, your connection with the one and only God. This is your source of inspiration, your wellspring of hope.

Money may be a little tight right now, but that YouTube video reignited a spark within you, didn't it? It's a reminder that hope is always present, in Him. There's a power in that, a strength that can fuel your journey.

Here's what you can do with this newfound awareness:

  • Embrace the ups and downs: Accepting your egotistical moments is the first step to overcoming them. Celebrate your self-awareness and use it to become a better version of yourself.
  • Lean on your support system: Your family and faith are your pillars. Reach out to them, share your struggles and joys. Remember, you're surrounded by love.
  • Find your passion: What sets your soul on fire? Channel your inspiration into something you love. It could be a hobby, a career shift, or volunteering.
  • Don't let money define you: It may feel like a hurdle right now, but focus on your strengths and skills. Remember, success comes in many forms, not just financial.

Turning 30 is about embracing the journey, not the destination. There will be challenges, of course, but with your self-awareness, support system, and faith, you're well-equipped to face them. Remember, you have hope in Him, and that's something no amount of money can buy.

So, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep the fire of hope burning bright. You've got this!